• More than 20 years experience
  • Complete assessments
  • No agency fees
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Cultural differences between the Netherlands and India

Dutch work culture is known for its directness, equality, and pragmatic approach. Dutch people value openness, clear communication, and have an informal manner in the workplace. On the other hand, India has a more hierarchical work culture, where respect for elders and authority are deeply rooted. Communication can be more indirect, and there is often a strong emphasis on group harmony.

These differences can pose challenges in teams that include both Dutch and Indian colleagues. Without a proper understanding and respect for each other's cultural background, misunderstandings and conflicts can arise. Therefore, it is crucial that digital knowledge migrants from India not only possess strong technical skills but also have the social competencies to effectively collaborate with Dutch colleagues.

Nederlandse klomp

WorldEmp's recruitment and selection process

At WorldEmp, we look beyond the CV and work experience. Our goal is to find candidates who are not only technically qualified but also able to integrate well into Dutch culture. Our comprehensive selection process includes:

  • Cultural Test: We use specific tests to determine if a candidate is capable of fitting into Dutch culture. This includes assessing problem-solving abilities, a proactive attitude, and assertiveness - all qualities that are essential for success in the Dutch work environment.
  • Language Proficiency: Excellent command of the English language is essential for communication and collaboration. We ensure that all candidates possess this skill at a high level.
  • Training 'Dealing with the Dutch': Candidates undergo special training where they simulate scenarios that may occur in the workplace. This hands-on approach prepares them for the daily realities of working with Dutch colleagues and helps bridge any cultural differences.

The importance of cultural alignment

By investing in the cultural alignment of our candidates, WorldEmp ensures that the digital knowledge migrants we place not only contribute to an organization's technical objectives but also seamlessly integrate into the team. This promotes a work environment where respect, understanding, and collaboration are central, and where cultural differences are seen as a source of strength and innovation.

By investing in the cultural alignment of our candidates, WorldEmp ensures that the digital knowledge migrants we place not only contribute to the technical objectives of an organization but also seamlessly integrate into the team. This promotes a work environment where respect, understanding, and collaboration are central, and where cultural differences are seen as a source of strength and innovation.


Interested? Want to learn more?

We are happy to explain the concept

Our international recruiters undergo a comprehensive selection process aimed at finding those foreign professionals who, in addition to being excellent in their field, are also adept at collaborating with European companies.

Setting up an external team sounds challenging, but we at WorldEmp have accumulated enough 'best practices' to make a new collaboration successful.

We are happy to explain more in a personal conversation. Schedule an appointment via [email protected] or call us directly at +31 (0)88 – 400 29 00


Interesse? Meer weten?

Wij leggen het concept graag uit

Onze internationale recruiters hebben een zeer uitgebreid selectieprocedure, gericht op het vinden van die buitenlandse professionals die behalve goed zijn op hun vakgebied, ook geschikt zijn in het samenwerken met Europese bedrijven.

Het opzetten van een extern team klinkt uitdagend, maar we hebben bij WorldEmp voldoende ‘best pratices’ opgebouwd om een nieuwe samenwerking succesvol te maken.

We leggen het graag uit in een persoonlijk gesprek. Plan een afspraak via [email protected] of bel ons direct op +31 (0)88 – 400 29 00

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